Your mindset can carry you far, it can carry you along way. If you live in an environment where you are in a constant bombardment of negativity, you find yourself believing the negativity that come your way. Someone is always in your ear telling you that you can't, telling you that you are no good that you will not amount to nothing. After time, you start to form doubts. You start to have uncertainty. If your foundation is weaken from listening to the haters, naysayers, you would never believe that you can. We need support in our lives, not resistance. I talked about preparing for your future, you need to look at those that win, those that are positive and are successful in their life. If you want to be unsuccessful, keep listening to loser, those that give up at a snap of a finger. Be my guess. Be negative, believing that you can't, follow those that don't want to do nothing. It is so easy to be negative. Blame everyone else for your short comings don't fall for the okee-a-doke. Now, stop being a lamb, stand up and walk away from the negativity. No, run to the people that are positive, that wants to support you. Someone that believe in you. Someone that have a can do attitude, and reject that negative vibe of can't do. Tell yourself that you can, that you are worthy of the good things in life. Reject that everything in your life is a mistake, that nothing can go right for you. Find like minded people that is with you to support the cause. Someone will walk with you into the fire and still stand by you through thick and thin. So stop listening to those that are defeatist and start forging you own path.

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