The pursuit of dream is a platform for us to explore our inner self. It start when we were young. Our dreams are shaped through our life's experience as we go through life. At a early age we must map out our future so we are able to navigate through it. As parents we must guide our children by giving them the support and the tools to help them to confront what lies ahead in their lives. Teach them the life skills to help them to understand and survive what life has to offer. This is the underlining business plan of my nonprofit. To support those with dreams, not promising or guaranteeing any thing, but our loyalty and guidance to help you to help yourself to find your dream. If you don't think of your future, you are selling yourself short. Our support is to teach you not just to feed you the fish when you hungry, but to teach you to fish so you would never be hungry again. To be self sufficient, but be able to share what you learn with others so we all can progress together. What ever your age is now, how will you live or survive 5 years, 10 years or 20 years from now? Yes, you maybe doing fine now, but most of us are just one pay check away from homelessness. When you drive by and see a homeless person ask yourself how far off are you from being that person? Is it you lost control of your life, because of alcohol or drug use, was it a bad business deal or a mental event where depression took over your life. Stay in touch with yourself and where you are going. Try to stay in control of your life, because in most cases the only one you can depend on is you. Let other help you to help yourself and not let pride get in the way. It's okay to ask for help. As you may know. " if you don't ask, you don't get"
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