Yeap! It's gonna be hard. You can't do it. You don't have what it takes. You hear this all the times from doubters and naysayers. You hear that voice in your ear telling you that before you even start your journey. It seems like you can't escape the negativity. It's amazing how others want to live your life and tell you what you can't do. So what do you do? Strike out and prove them all wrong. Show them that you can do it, that you have what it takes. Once you start to ignore the noise you can begun the plan that you set for yourself. Start to bring people in your circle that will help you moving forward, not those that want to keep you down. They would rather doubt your abilities, than to help you to get to the next level.They rather give negative criticism than telling you that they are with you. Start believing in yourself and others will see what you are really made of. Learn what builds your confidence. Practice your kraft to where you can do it backwards. Step out like you know what you know and that other would have a hard time doubting you. Stick out your chest, take a deep breath and learn to accept your decisions and take on the responsibility and consequences for your actions. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, we all make them. Walk your walk like you know where you going. People will see that air of certainty and instead of questioning you, start to take what you do as serious as you portray it.Close your eyes and vision yourself at the door steps of the dream that you planned. You can make it happen with or without those that choose to doubt you. Their doubts are just that, something that they have to get over.
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