By writing down your plans to tackle your dream ( goals) help others as well as yourself to see the path you are taking, see the progress you're making and if there are any obstacles in your way. Writing down and organizing you thoughts, create a budget needed to fund your dream. How much it may cause, how much to allocate funds to make it happen. Writing down those that can help support your journey. What task needs to met. How much time needed to be devoted to these task. So you can see how important it is to have a written plan to analyze our efforts. To have a way to share your dream with others that maybe able to share their thoughts and advise. Even though we are using this method to keep us focus. It is a journal that we use to make adjustments, to present to banks for finance, to accountants to show expenses and budget. This I am telling you can be used in any efforts that you are involved in in your life. Use this to help you to organize your life or project that may not be part of your dream. You need this tool to help in many aspects of your life. Your dream is part of your life. Document your efforts.
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