When you have your dream mapped out. And you start the journey, obstacles will be before you. Naysayers will dissuade you. Doubters will tell you that you can't. Are you going to walk a way? Are you going to stop? Just because the answer is not immediate, that the journey doesn't flows smoothly, are you just going to quit. No! should be your answer. Just as life is hard, so goes your search and your journey to your dream. Realize that you must get your mind right to go for your dream. This is not for whimps. Understand that there is more than one way to get to your dream. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Dream chasing is a team sport. Get your team together to support the cause. If there's a ceiling above your head break through it. If there's a wall in front of you use your team to climb over it. Use your team to get around it. There is in most cases more than one way to derive the answer. When you are in a situation, if its at the store, or doing business and you not getting the answer you seek. Stop asking the cashier to give you the answer, ask for the manager. If you are doing business and the associate is trying to answer your question and you getting half answers, ask for for the boss. Don't take many things for face value.When you're looking for clothing tips from the trash man, your doing something wrong. Make the corrections and keep moving forward. The answer you seek is there if you keep looking. The bottom line is , there is always another way to skin a cat.
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