Hope is there when you don't see it. It's there when you don't feel it. We dream of a better life not knowing where it is going to come from. Not knowing how to find it. Without determination we be believe that it is not obtainable. If you give up on hope, you find yourself wandering around lost in a hard cold world with no direction. Living in a fog of depression, believing in all that is negative in your life. When you dream of a better life, a better you, you find it hard each day to go on. Those that see you and believe that anything is possible is your life line to what seems impossible in your life. They extend a hand to you, to show you that it is possible. They are here in your life to inspire you to do what your mind is telling you, " you can't". If they are not in your life, seek them out. Stop drowning in your own petty, that nothing goes your way. Find that inspirational person to help lift you out of your own way. Don't let your pride get in your way. Remain focus on your dream and let those who want to help you, help you. Again dreams are a team sports. It takes a village to help you reach your dream.
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