When you are not feeling your best, you just don't want to keep going, and you know you have to keep moving forward. You have to dig within yourself to do what you must do. This is what distinguish those that have what we call self discipline and determination that carries you through the day. It's easy to just give up and pack it all in. When you have others that depend on you, you have to find that energy, when it seems as if there is none. Sometimes what we do is bigger than ourselves. Yes, it's hard, but that voice inside of you keeps telling you to keep going. Don't know what, don't know why, you just know you do. Can't figure it out, but at the times you learn to develop habits that will make it some what easier to take that one more step to go on. You learn to sacrifice, to get the results that at the beginning dream of. Learn to discipline yourself to help guide yourself through those moments that is a test to your self worth. Dreams takes more than just thinking about it. It takes a want that goes beyond just saying that is what is wanted. You have to keep taking action even when you don't want to.
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