Do you listen to what " they" say? Who is "they"? The ones that gets you to do or follow what society wants you to follow. It is amazing that through out our life we find ourselves wanting to be different. We try to say or do things to have us stand out to be noticed by others. But we run for the approval of the," theys". We can't wait to get the pat on the back, the at-a-boys from our bosses, the people we look up to. We tend to be sheep and follow what everyone else is doing. Oh! we want to be different. Well you are different. You have that something that makes you, you, but you want to be liked. So you do what everyone else does. You become afraid that no one will likes you so you bend to the pressure of the "theys". Stop trying to be something that you are not. Think out of the box. It is okay to take a little from someone you look up to, just for guidance, but you still need to have your identity in tact. We all do it , but there is a time to break away from what everyone else is doing and learn to be original. Be that trailblazer, that leader that creates or starts something different than what the masses does. Learn to be different and follow your own path, follow your own calling. So what, people talks bad about you they gonna do that any way. Learn how to be comfortable in your own skin and say, I don't give a rat's behind of what people or "they" say about me. Learn to be original so "they" can see that you are different and that you are not like everybody else. This takes courage, this take strength to be different and not care about what others say. "They" will call you names, make fun of you. They will try to get you to follow what they do., because you are a threat to their existence. They may call you a nurd, they may call you fat, they may call you ugly to get you to conform to their pressure. Tell them that you are the best damn nurd, best damn fat and ugly person they have ever seen. Walk away with your head up and be proud of you. If you learn to be confident in what you do, no one will doubt that you are your own person. Don't give " them" the satisfaction. Prove them wrong. You gain confidence in yourself or anything you do by practice, practrice, practrice. Then you be come competent. Competent enough to know you and know what you are talking about. Do you think you have what it take to be different? You will be surprised that you do. That you have what it takes to be the real you and that it doesn't matter what others say. When you are pursuing your dream, don't listen to the naysayers, the haters, the ones that always have something negative to say. Walk toward the sun, walk toward those that believe in what you are doing. Walk toward those that want to support you and not tear you down. Yes, it is hard to be different, but somebody has to do it. We need you to be different, we don't need another boring person. You strive to be different, then act like it. You wear orange, while everybody else is wearing blue. You say, " no" when everyone else is saying "yes". The world is a better place for it. Stand up for being different. Don't back down from being you.
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