For those that are wondering what is relearning reading and math skills have to do with pursuing your dream. Those that have no issues with reading and math you can skip these types of exercises. You understand that to pursue your dream you have to gain knowledge, awareness, courage to breakout of the box of being comfortable in your way of thinking. Supporting the Dream Foundation wants you to not only learn tools to pursue your dreams, but get rid of bad habits that hinder you from going forward.If you want to be wealth you have to break the habits that poor people have and learn to have the habits of wealthy people. For example, a poor person that work pay check to pay check, may go out and buy something that makes them feel good for all the work they have done, which can be ok if you have the money to spare. A wealthy person would go out to buy something that make them feel good about themselves, but they buy things that have value. The wealthy person would buy something that makes them feel good and buy something that they know will make them a profit if they had to resell it. To be wealthy you have to change your way and habits of buying things. Wealthy people learn how to multiple their money, learn how to use other people's money. All of this you learn by reading and gaining knowledge. So back to our exercises on speed reading with comprehension. We are taking these skills to help to put in our tool box so we can aquire the knowledge to become more successful. Wealthy if that is your dream. Use these skills even if you do not pursue your dream, but to better yourself. The reading exercise we are working on is to gradually get you to read more, to gain information about your dream. Now, there is reading methods out there on the internet that explains how to increase your reading. There different types of reading, such as " skimming " where you take reading material and read the first sentence of the paragraph, which describes the paragraph and the last sentence of the paragraph to sum up the paragraph. By understanding the structure of the paragraph and how it was written, it allows you to skim the material. To gain the comprehension You pre scan and write questions pertaining to the subject material, then read to answer the questions. This gets you to be more proactive in your reading. I said there are different types of reading, and you would read a textbook differently than you are reading for enjoyment. So by learning these new ways of reading you have another tool in your tool box to help you in your journey. Along with managerial organizational skills to budget your time, efforts, and resources we will make those steps to logical pursue your dream. You heard, the saying that if you give a person fish when they're hungry, but if you teach them to fish you will give them what they can use to never be hungry again. This is what our goal to you. Help us to help you.
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