When we close our eyes we dream. We dream of a better life, we dream of being in a better place. We dream at times uncomfortable times. As youths, as we get older we dream to take us away from something or to go toward something. The point is that we dream. Sometimes none of our dreams make sense. We tend to try to understand what may not be for us to understand. The question arises, Can we control our dreams? If you want to analyze your dreams create a journal and start to document what you are dreaming about. If you feel the need to discuss those episodes then talk it out. In our mind we have battles within ourselves. We hear a voice that may or may not guide us. As we dream, we look for answers. Why am I? what am I? how can i? When can I? Through our dreams we look for the answers. We look for some guidance that we lead us to what gaps that exist in our lives. The support is there if you ask, the support is there if you are willing. Stop trying to get the answer in one person, in one thing, at one time. You ask yourself what is your purpose, why are you here? Don't frustrate yourself if the voice inside of you doesn't give you the answer you seek. Your purpose is to live. To go out in the world and experience what life has to offer. To survive, because life is hard. Be open to whatever, whoever comes into your life and learn from the experiences. Stop trying to find that perfect somebody to spend your life with, because that person may not be for you. Learn to be happy with you and others will see your happiness and take from that. We have been blessed, but we look to the forest and we don't see the trees. The very thing that is in front of us, we become blind to. When a person loses his sight, it's other sense become it's eyes. Stop for a moment and listen to the things around you. As you walk notice the birds in flight, smell the flowers outside your window. Meditate at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day. Take the time for yourself to relinquish the stresses of the day. Our dreams is to help us to understand ourselves and what is around us. Walk in the light so you can see what is ahead of you. You have someone that is there to listen if you have religion in your life. You find yourself not wanting to be lonely, but don't mind being alone at times. The secret to life is start being aware. Be aware of your strong and weak points, be aware of how others see you and how you see yourself to others. Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of your past, your present and what maybe in your future. All and all we are hear on this earth trying to figure it all out, whatever all is. So let's go figure it out, together. You will be surprised, we had the answer all the time. We just didn't know it. Dreams! Make sure you know different between it and reality, if there's a difference.
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