When we are sleep, we have dreams that seem unorganized, don't make sense, upside down, in and out, total confusion. We may not make sense of it, but our task is to try to capture some of it to try to put it all together. We want to find sense and order to these dreams. Sometimes it's not meant to make sense of our dreams, but to put it in prospective. Our mind wants order and organization. So we try to make logical sense of it all. Myself as I've gotten older I have to record things. So if you have ideas, if you have dreams write them down, no matter how strange and out there from reality. My mind has so much going on that I can't keep up. I have songs I want to write, ideas I want to explore, businesses I want to start, amongst the things I want and need to do. For those that can't count past 10 without taking their shoes off, may need to write things down like myself. The point is to look at prioritizing and organize our ideas our dreams, and our lives. Go get a note pad and pencil and write down what things that needs your attention for today. Write down what things you need to do versus what you want to do. Organize the things that is important to you to do. This is your to-do-list, today. You organize things that maybe done in the morning versus what can be done in the evening. You organize according to what is hard versus what is easy, if those task are all in the same travel distance, then you put them together. You get my point, you try to decide the best method to get through the day. Now when we start looking at our lives, our dreams and what we want to do to put some order to how we can approach our dream logically, we then are on the journey to the land of "what makes sense". So those dreams we had while sleeping or daydreaming, that was jumbled up, nonsensical with no beginning or no end, we start to believe that we can have order in our lives. That there is a possibility that we can actually reach our goals and dreams if order is added into the mix.

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