Wow! You had dreams of visiting, places you've seen somewhere, mingled with people you've read about. Then you woke up. You came back to reality. You realize that you are living a life that is not exactly what you want. You get up following the same route as yesterday. Believe it or not. Change is in your life. Each day is never the same. The world is changing around you every second. What you did yesterday is different than what you do today. That being said, you have to stop thinking that you will never change. Well guess what, you are getting older everyday. You look out the window and see the subtle changes around you. So if you dream of a better life, then you must do the things to help it along. If not you will always be behind. We are inherently visionaries, always looking to discover other ways, other possibilities. Even when you maybe tired and wiry you manage to get the energy to get up. Not knowing what makes you keep moving forward, but you do. This is what we call iniative. Take that, what ever it is to do something to better yourself. Change your way of thinking, form positive habits, discard bad ones. Create a new you. This is your new beginning to go with the dreams you've set forth.
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