As you start your journey in the pursuit of your dream, the realization comes to the fore front That we don't have all the answers. We don't have all the experiences to rely on. We don't have all the tools to carry us through. This is when you look to others, that been through what you are going through. Someone that may have that one experience that can get you through. Someone you can go to that will listen, give you advise, not criticism you, but help to guide you. To steer you in the direction you are trying to go. To give you the tuff love, because you know you need it and cares about your final outcome, good or bad. They call that person, a mentor.They take the form of a parent, a sister or brother, a family member. Someone you look up to, that you might want to emulate. A mentor will try to inspire you to do better. Believe it or not most mentors want to share their ups and downs with you to help you to be a better version of yourself. As you seek support you are support to others. Always Iook for a win-win relationship in what you do. This relationship works in both your personal life and business. Don't have a relationships where you are always receiving and not giving back. Be the one that is always learning and absorb the knowledge that is around you. It is easy to make excuses for not having or doing what can make you successful. By getting up has demonstrated that you are successful. So if that dream is to do something, to be something, to have something. You must stop the excuses and do something about it.So let's go find that mentor that can guide you alone the path to success. Someone that won't sugar coat life, but give you the real deal, because it will get you through what you are going through. He or she may be your friend that is always in your corner. Heed the knowledge, because someone may ask you to be a mentor. We don't really go through life alone. They're there, all you have to do is ask.
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