As a dreamer do you feel that you fall in a category of a realist, an investor, or an visionary? You have a dream to do something, to make a difference, to make a change. To stand for something. You feel you have a purpose, but you are not sure what it is. Do you feel you have something of value to say , to be, or to do? Let's describe what is value. Value is what you measure with, if it's yours to determine. Value is something that you place importance to. Something that you hold dear to you. Something that you would sacrifice for. By definition Oxford's dictionary defines value as a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. Ask yourself do you feel you are important? The answer should be, yes. Then why don't you invest in you? Are you not valuable? Then why do you question investing in yourself? Why do you not feel your dreams are worth any amount of money? So when you have a dream no matter how small, no matter how insignificant, you must treat it as that. Is your dream worth any amount of time, any amount of money. Then why won't you invest in you? You are important, your ideas are important, your dreams are important. So be willing to pay. But, if the cost is too high, then maybe it's not worth the effort to obtain it. Do you feel you're worth it? If so, then let's take that walk, because if you don't believe it, then in most cases others won't believe it either. But someone else may see the value that you don't, and believe in you. That little something about you, that spark that exist, that they are willing to invest in you. So don't sell yourself short. Placing value is what you can convince others it is.
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