There must be a balance in your life to be able to make a path to the dreams that you seek. Mind, body and the surroundings that you live must be in a state of harmony. Your emotions are always looking to find the equilibrium of feeling good versus bad, right versus wrong.So you walk to find that inner peace. You may never understand why you like something and dislike others. You see beauty and it pleases you, you encounter ugly and you want to push it away. We hear a sound a soothing sound that makes us smile, but a noise that is unpleasant makes us cringe. So we begin the journey. We dream of a moment that gives us joy, and we remember the situation that takes us to a place of sadiness. As we wake up each day trying to understand why, we try to make sense of it all. Trying to put logic to each cause and effect. Trying to define our every emotion. Writers write books on it, and songwriters write songs about it. Scientists and religious teachings try to explain it. What makes us want something that keeps us trying to reach for what we believe is missing in our life. Is it that we experience that feeling that we saw, felt or tasted from a far, so now we must have it to be satisfied, but once we achieve it we substitute it for something else. So we dream. Those that are out of balance, battle with themselves, others, and the world to bring themselves to that state of peace that they once knew. So we dream of a better life, to be a better person striving for perfection that seems to elude us in every way. Stop for a moment a listen to what is around us, see the colors that describe the flower that you walked pass. Smell the fragrance of that same flower and know that our life is full of completed dreams that we take for granted. What we search for most of our lives is to find that peace of mind that we label, goals, achievements, awards to pacify that need to be balanced, to feel whole and complete with purpose. Maybe we can get to that dream, be the most famous, be wealthy to no end, always coming in first and known as the most successful. You find later that the dream you works so hard to achieve is still not enough. You gotten all the money all the fame and you still feel something is missing. You feel your world is not balanced. Until you get that balance from the inner peace, you will keep searching.
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