The mind is a powerful part of our body.We only use a small part of its capability every day, every second. It is able to adapt to different situations. It allow us to recall pleasant and unpleasant experiences. It gives us the power to reason and solve problems. And it allow us to dream. At times we can be overwhelmed by the information that we gain, store and use. It allow us to interpret what we see, hear, touch and taste. With this being said we sometimes forget how powerful that muscle between our ears has. We have to exercise it like the other parts of our body. We have to feed it with knowledge and we also have to let it rest. When you first started to think about your dreams, you may not have any idea which way to go. You had no direction or reference to start from. Where do you begin? Our mind is able to break down the complicated, and yet figure out the simple. Learn how to speak a different language and at the same time determine something as simple as distinguishing cold from hot. Our mind gives us so much, but we sometime underestimate it's power, it's potential. in order to function the mind needs organization, to have something to reference and compare. In supporting your dream give your mind a chance to rest. Observe what is around you. Listen to the sounds, smell the roses. Take the time to take some time. So many things we want, need, and wonder about, we get caught up in the process that we don't reward ourselves for the steps we made. We don't give ourselves credit for the small accomplishments or contributions we made. With trying to organize all of this we must have a plan, we must have a process to implement the plan and we must be able to test the plan. Evaluate the plan to make adjustments if needed. We put rules and limits and obstacles in our plans and find ourselves frustrated because the plan did not work, it did not make our time, we missed a step. It just didn't follow what we expected. So some may give up, some may learn from it. Others just didn't even take the first step. Supporting the Dream wants you to have the tools to go forward, to think on your own, to observe what others do and learn from it. All of this requires a team. If it's you mother and father, your sister or brother, your friend or a stranger that has information you need to fill in the gaps along the way. You started your journey taking small steps, you take the same journey taking small bites. Don't get frustrated because something didn't make your arbitrary rules orclimitations. Don't get caught up in what others think of you. Focus on what you original started the journey for. Of course everyone wants to be liked, wants to be accepted. We attract to things that gives us pleasure and cast away things that makes us uncomfortable. We don't know everything. We listen to what they say, not knowingvm if they know what they are talking about. so we create an environment that helps us to proceed forward. We get a team. A team that informs us, inspires us, and tell us if we are going the right or wrong way. We can't get to our dream along. When you finally get to your dream or your goal, you find out that it is not enough. This is when you realize your mind starts over again. But you say I've done that, I've been there. You are now at a point that it is time to give back. To share all you have done through your experiences, some of your resources that you acquired to those that need maybe the same helping hand you needed whenvyou first got started. We call that mentoring. What happens you get a new feeling that you hadn't experienced. A feeling of satisfaction in helping others. This is when you know you have reached your dream.
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