Life is in dynamic action, always moving. The clock keeps ticking and it seems that there is no rest for the weary. With anything, we need to stop and assess, evaluate, get a tune up to adjust, repair and view ourselves from 50,000 feet. How is the view up there, of your life as youvlook down at your accomplishments? Look at where you are in comparison to where you were, and where you want to be, versus where you are today. So you find yourself always dreaming of what your life could be if you just only. You dream of a better life if you just stop doing nothing. You could be further in the pursuit of your goals, if you just start. Are you where you want to be at this point in your life? Let's be realistic, you're just content and comfortable and you are okay with it. Now is the time to pull over and decide if you want to continue down the road you are traveling or do you want to see if there is a better way to better your situation. Excuses from this point is not tolerated. As life is always moving and changing, you must do the same. This is the law of nature. So take control over some of the changes in your life. If you don't think you're changing, take a look in the mirror. You can't do the same things you use to do. Aches and pains are creeping up into your daily routine. Face it you cant stop the movement in your life, so take control and just don't dream about it. Because dreams can also become nightmares. So let's make our life's dream be the goal you seek. After all you can't stop change, even in you.
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