We all have that voice inside of us that we listen to, that we talk things over with and even argue with. We go to bed and dream about what that voice discussed with ourselves while sleeping or while just walking to your car, we stare out into space looking for answers. That voice can talk us out of doing just about anything. That voice, comes up in situations that sometimes makes us hesitate. Sometimes it even gets in our way. We sometimes look at it as our conscious telling us what we should do or should not do. The question is, do you act upon that voice? You close your eyes and you see yourself doing things that is totally against what you wouldn't ordinarily do. Again that voice comes up and tells you, you can't do that, or it tells you that you can. So finally, you look else where for the answer. You look for conformation to what you have decided to do, or you look for proof that it is the right thing to do. Sometimes it makes no sense, it doesn't seem logical. it's so confusing. The answer is to sit down and write it out. Put it on paper, type it on your computer. This gives you a chance to see it with your eyed and to try to make sense of it all. You have now started the journey. The path to what was once a thought in your mind. Now, we begin to plan it, to map it out. We begin to discuss it with others to see if it is possible. This is the process of pursuing our dream. Along the way support helps us to get through it. Don't be afraid cause you're never along. Ask and the assistance is there spiritual and physically.

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