We all at one point in our life experience the feeling of being afraid. As a baby you take those first steps that starts as a crawling. You are afraid to stand, but you crawl forward.You get help to stand from your mother and father. You get up and put one foot in front of the other with your parent'ssupport. You fall down when your parents let go. They encourage you, take your hand and tell you that you can do it. But you are afraid. It doesn't stop you. Your journey has began. You learn that no matter how hard it is to start walking you still get the determination to stand up to advance yourself, even if it is the help and support of others. As a young kid riding a bike for the first time. You may have training wheels to support your first effort. Dad and mom are there to guide you. In the real world some don't get that support. They don't have someone to help them up when they first start to walk. No training wheels, on the bike to support them at the beginning. The dream is still there, and they have that drive irregardless. So at times life is not fair, and we are afraid, we still must figure out what we must do. We get up from falling down and make the mistakes along the way. Our goal is to move forward toward whatever that dream is that we seek. One step at a time. We practice, and try to perfect the process to try to get it right. As a kid we learn to put our shoes on even when we put them on the wrong foot. We learn that something is not right when you see everyone else is doing it different. So you change, you learn by doing. The dream you have makes room for you to learn by experiencing. Being afraid is part of that learning process. Learn how to live with that fear. Learn from making mistakes. You must crawl before you can walk. Even when at times there is no one to help you and support you. Life is not fair, so don't let that stop you from aiming toward your goal. When you make the effort, those that was not there at the beginning, see that you will not let the unfair world stop you, they may give you a hand. And they may not. Don't look or expect help each time you go on your journey, it may not be there. But , that should not stop you. Don't look for excuses for not doing. Believe in yourself and what you are doing even when others don't. That is what makes you different tha the others. No one has ever said greatness is easy. Be stubborn with your dream.

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