In order to support our dreams we must be willing to support others. By inspiring and mentoring, we grow our understanding of our dream a little bit better. When we are able to influence others to be a better person by showing them that they can do by giving them the examples of the journey you took using the experiences and the expertise you gained. This inspire those that lost belief in themselves and those that are not sure if hope is around the corner. Take a moment and mentor a child that is lost, a soul that has lost his way. Inspire those with the positive actions that you do and a word of encouragement to say, "you can do it". That you've been there and let me show you another way. Supporting your dreams is not always about you. It's sharing it with others. Spreading the knowledge, the experiences, and the resources that can give them a little feeling that they can do it to. They say, "it takes a village".
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