I've compared you to a corporation, that is established to be successful. You live to succeed in life. A corporation has dreams and goals that it has to achieve. A planned road map laid out to accomplish that dream. A corporation is organized with different departments to work together to accomplish a single goal. You as a corporation creates a brand just as many businesses do. You as a corporation need a team to carry on the functions of your brand. My question is what do you do as a person, as a corporation when you reach the dream you've searched for. Yeah, you've made it! The next task is to understand how to keep it. Music producers, received a grammy for efforts and sacrifices they made to be recognized. An actor or actress received an Oscar for their performance in an Oscar winning movie. Now what is next? How do you stay on top as a corporation that is recognized as the top business. Do you sit and live in the moment or do you continue to improve and understand the things that got you there? Just because you have reached your dream, the work doesn't stop. The dream you established is the love to have an understanding of what it is to finally reach the top of your game, to finally reach a peace within yourself to know that no matter what is in front of you , you have the confidence to live a life where you have finally arrived. Peace of mind is the reward for your life's achievements. As you dreamed to be wealthy you've made your first million, and now you want to be able to keep it. So you learned that you must be able to duplicate your efforts, you must always look to enhance and improve the dream you once sought. Yes, the work is not over. When you work hard at your craft or toward your dream. People sometimes are not around to see you working. The minute you sit down to rest , people seem to come around and observe you doing nothing. All that they see is you are sitting there. Not knowing that all you've done before they came around was to keep pushing forward. All you were doing was taking a break. We must balance our life and our accomplishments with a break from the pursuit of the dream. That break allows you to access and evaluate the road you have taken. As they say, " All work and no play, make Jack a dull boy." Make no mistake those that are go-getters don't believe that they can take time off. But, even the most oiled machine has to stop to replenish their parts. Don't burn yourself out trying to be the best. Don't miss out on what life has to offer. Your family, your kids, your health and peace of mind are just important.
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