Where are we now? So long we lay in the bed thinking about our dreams. We ask ourselves where do we start? We've discussed trying to define what is it we want, what is it we want to do? These are the questions that we keep asking as we take action. We discussed doing the research, google, get materials on the subject, ask people that can help define the answer you seek. Now we are gathering the information that will need to provide the support for our dream. We have organized our resources, such as the contacts, the particular concepts associated with what we need to see if our plan makes sense. Yes, the plan is our blue print to carry out our journey. We've looked at our budget, we set specific task, We've created alternative options, We've assembled a team that can help and support our cause. Now let's see if we can make it all work together. This is our prototype, our working model. We tested our work. Does it make sense, can we reproduce our efforts to make it work? If not, what will we need to adjust? Do you need more money, do you need more time? So where are we now? Did we get close to our dream? Can we now explain our dream to others? Did we really sacrifice the things to get to the dream? If you see obstacles, how do you get around it? Believe in it, even when others have doubt. If you don't believe in it how do you expect others to believe in it .
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