Where does your dream come from? Does it come from talking to others, does it come from what you see or experience? Is it from what you are without, a want or a need? Everyone has a dream or dreams. So that being said, it has no age, color, religious preference or gender. We all live with others dreams everyday. Some dreamed of a better way to get from point "A" to point "B". A car was made. My point is that if you have a dream we must learn how to communicate it to others. Start writing them down, no matter how crazy it may sound. That is your first step. The example of Smokey Robinson's beginning years in songwriting. He wrote his words down to communicate his thoughts into song. His dream of singing he emulated those that came before him. So write down your thoughts so you can better organize them, to let others see the path you are taking. Give others a chance to know your dream. You will be surprised they may help you along the way. Redefine it so others get it right from the start. After all Martin Luther King's dream if it was a secret, no one would have known what he was fighting for. Get that pen and paper out and jot it down. Start to organize it so it makes sense to you and those around you. Yes it can be complicated, but try to simplify it so it is easy to say. You are reading my dream as you read this post. No one said it would be easy. Let others see what you already see, so we can experience it together. Changing your view on the way we see things gives you a chance to believe in the impossible. Let's take the steps together to get to that vision that started in your head. Let's do this. Don't let others deny you. Don't let yourself deny you.
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