Everyone has dreams, young, old, woman, man, different nationalities. Even animals have dreams. Our goal is to give some guidance, some direction, some purpose to our dreams. We may not be able to control our dreams, but wonder if you can give it some direction. Some logical guidance to follow. We talk about many aspects of self awareness, self assurance, self motivation and self discipline Notice self comes before our understanding of what our dream is about. Ob course there is needed in all of this is some spiritual awareness along side of the physical awareness. Our major goal is to get a better understanding of ourselves, in order to continue our journey in the pursuit of our dream. If we have some control of ourselves we can walk through life with our eyes open and our head focus on our goal. Though we need others to help us to get to the next level, we still need to take what we have, and keep moving forward to our goal. Work at continous improvement. To keep learning about ourselves, so we can help others to get through this crazy world. It is easy to do wrong and hard to always do right. We shouldn't be afraid to ask for help, don't let pride get in your way. Realize that you have blessings in your life even when at times we forget that we do. So let's start getting more control of our lives by valuing time. Time is what keeps moving forward while we are standing ,walking or sleeping. Successful people value time , so should you. Manage your time, once it's gone it's gone. You can't get it back. Practice managing your time like it is money, cause your life can depend on it. By me being in the miltary early in my life. A mission depends on time. Being late to a specific meeting point could cause lives. Being late is not acceptable. So we are going to create situations that will help you with your time management.You at work and had to be at a meeting that is 25 minutes long. You arrive 19 minutes into the meeting. You've missed almost a third of the meeting. That could impact your company. Learn to get to your appointments early. Set yourself up for success not failure.

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