You been taking the steps in the pursuit of your dream. You wrote the steps out, you planned and organize the steps toward the implementation of the dream. You've researched, you gathered up the people for your team, got the resources to make it all happen. At the beginning you had all the enthusiasm and excitement of making it happen. Then you start the journey and realize that some of the emotions and excitement has been replaced with the feeling of loosing interest, boredom sneaks in. You ask yourself, what happened? Well, in anything you do, you go through many emotions. This is the part of the journey where you have to dig into yourself to motivate yourself to push forward. There will be days when you just don't feel like getting up to take those steps toward what you have been working so hard for. Self motivation is something you don't plan for. You see the prize at the end, but something inside say to you, I am tired. You are starting to question the decisions you made to start the journey. When the excitement is no longer there, you have to work at keep moving forward. This is your test of having the will power to keep moving forward. You have to learn how to fight that inner battle that keeps telling you to quit. Yes, it is easy to do things that are easy, but when it becomes hard, you have to push yourself to keep moving forward. You can learn the habit of giving up, to quit when it is hard. We want to get rid of this habit and substitute it the habit of keep going, even when you don't want to. Start practicing the habit of pushing forward, instead of just giving up. This is a life lesson you will need to push yourself to limits that could mean life or death. For example, if you are driving somewhere, and you get a flat tire. You are stuck in the middle of no place, no cars or people around. You pull out your cell phone and there is no signal to call for help. The question arises, what to do? Do you give up or do you try to solve the problem? This is where you as a person that can think of ways to solve problems have to make decisions. In some situations you have to understand how to problem solve. As we do the things to make our dreams happen, we must understand how to tackle obstacles, how to fix the problem. To progress is to have options to allow for the problems that may come up. Going back to your preparation and planning you have to have options available just in case the path has obstacles that need to be met. Self motivation is something that can be taught if you work at it. Surrounding yourself with those that has the initiative, positive attitude can do attitude. Learn more about yourself and what motivations you. Even though dreams may originate within you, you already have the motivation because you decide to take the journey, so don't give up when times are rough, your life may count on it.
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