Developing your mind is one of the tools you can use to work toward your dreams.i talked about mnemonics as a way to help provide a path to your dream. I asked you to go and research mnemonics. What we are doing is sharpening your minds eye by using your imagination. For example, picture an apple you can see the apple in your mind. Picture a car, a chair, a broom. These examples are objects you can see. Now the test is to associate these objects with other objects using some form of action and connect them like a chain. But catch is the action needs to be a ridiculous action or something stupid that may not make sense. You see our mind seems to remember things that are odd, don't make sense. Take for example, imagine a car driving a broom, and the broom is eating an apple, while sitting in a chair. What you have done is created an image that connect all three words in a ridiculous sentence. This is a method is what we can practice to create a list. A list of task, a grocery list. We are developing our mind that will help you to member things. You don't have to be a genius, if you start to learn some of these tips to improve your memory. Make it a game. We will later take things that you can't touch and be able to learn to how to remember almost anything. Create a grocery list of, eggs, milk, bread, chicken, fish, potatoes. Okay, imagine some eggs drinking a carton of milk, while the carton of milk is eating a loaf of bread, while the bread is sitting eating a bucket of kfc chicken the bucket of chicken is sitting on the dock with the bucket of chicken sitting on a dock throwing out line using a fishing pole to catch a potato that is in the pond. At the beginning this will take a little effort, but with practice it will become easier and easier to do. Before you know it you will be able to take a list of things and chain them together. Your imagination is in over drive.
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