Change takes sacrifice. You as a child started learning from day one. Learning to crawl, then walk. Developing habits good and bad. Trying to learn what success is. As a child we learned by doing, by studying and by mimicking those in our lives. When we become older we have developed habits that would aid use in our journey to success and ultimately our dreams. Change can be scary, we have gotten comfortable in our habits and it becomes harder to change our ways. Those that teach us and guide us sometimes reveal habits to us that influence us in negative ways. As we experience life we realize that some influences are unintentional past on to us as the right way to approach our way of doing things. These unintentional habits may keep us from our dreams and goals. Now you have to break the habits that may keep you from succeeding. You have to change, make the sacrifice to relearn what was taught to you that didn't seem bad at the time, but now is hindering you in some way. Sacrifice being comfortable to changing and become uncomfortable in fighting the habits that have been part of your life for some times. Inventors and scientists that use rules, and theories that have been in existence for years, realize that what was then, may have to change and be revised to what is now. When you realize that what seemed right when you first started out is now an obstacle in your journey. A change must be made to correct your path to your dream. Are you willing to make the change, the sacrifice, and yes it can be scary. Sometimes you have to let go of things that can keep you from your dreams. It's up to you to make that sacrifice.
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