If someone can give you the road map to follow to get to your dream , would you take it? Life would be so easy If someone gives you the steps to become rich. Would follow the steps. What's common about this is a road map with directions, a plan with the step by step instructions would be the way to go to get to your goal. So you can see that everything you do in life needs a foundation to work with to carry you through life. There are principles that exist to help you change your attitude, your habits that can change your path for the good. So why do you hesitate to change these things.if you look inside yourself and see these things that stops your progress. Just think if you stop procrastinating, if you stop being negative and start being positive. If you just change the things and how you look at the things you do. Don't see money as something you have to buy things but as a tool to make your life better. Sometimes dreams are obtainable if you just make changes to yourself to make your life the life you dream about. Be flexible for those changes. Don't discount it because you don't like change. You would be surprised of the outcome.
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