Do you know that your dreams can be realized, if you help others to pursue their dream? You hear the saying, " you gotta know somebody." The really saying is. "Who knows you." They have to know you. I know a whole lot of people, but they don't know me. So in order to move your dream forward. You have to let others know you. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to reach the next level. Some time you have to take a chance. It can be scary, but you have to have faith. Start to gain that confidence. What is confidence? The state feeling certain, self assurance. Can we practice being confident? When you do something over and over and over again you start to build confidence. When you get knowledge of a subject, you build a better understanding, you become confident. Almost an expert. So let's practice being confident, if it's possible. Start out learning what it is about the subject you are uncertain about. Once you aquire knowledge about the subject, can you apply it to you? Can you implement the concepts and understand it? Understand the principles inside and out. As you do so you are gaining confidence. Let this be part of you. But don't get too cocky or arrogant. With everything we do, we have to balance it all out. Again be aware of you and what you do to affect others. Read the room before you open your mouth. Sometimes we open our mouths without thinking and we remove all doubts of who we are. Learn to listen. Something I need to do more of listening than talking. It is a powerful tool. In the communication game. It is needed in our journey to our dream. Let people tell their story and learn from them, learn from their mistakes. Take from their knowledge and wisdom. You will be surprised, they will be more willing to help you with your dreams. This is a team sport. Pursuing our dream.
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