Yes, we are focusing on relearning reading and math skills to enhance your life. To provide a foundation to gaining confidence. If you have been practicing expanding your peripheral vision when reading yoy will now look at looking at newspaper, magazine articles and see how they are laid out. Take your finger and place it on the word that is center of the sentence. What we practrice doing is an exercise where by using your finger. This will force your eyes to the point of your finger. Now as you can see, you can see the words on each side of your finger. Try to identify the words in the sentence without looking at the words directly. Once you feel confident in doing this exercise tou will take your finger and slowly move it down the center of the page. As you get use to reading the sentence this way you find that your reading of the page gets better. You would eventually start to increase your finger motion down the center of the page. An alternative to this method is to draw a line down the center of the paragraph instead of using your finger. This will force your eyes down the center of the page. Practrice this until it feels comfortable and natural. We will continue the exercise and going confidence. Before you know it your reading speed will increase with confidence.
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