Ok, let's start our exercise in gaining confidence. One of the basic subject is our reading. As a kid growing up we had to learn to read. Successful people realize early that to do well we had to have good reading skills. Those that had trouble reading, would have trouble in school, had a harder time in doing well. Less confidence. What if we relearn our reading to where we can read at a higher speed with comprehension. Once you read faster with practice you'll start to take on more info to improve your life, thus gaining more confidence. First have you ever heard of peripheral vision. Basketball and football players use peripheral vision when they are on the court or field. Right now let's try using our peripheral vision. As you sit or stand look out into the room or in front of you. As you look straight ahead can you see things on each side of you without looking directly at it. Try focusing at an object in front of you. While looking at that object, notice you can see objects left and right of the object. This is your peripheral vision. Basketball player use this to do no look passes, quarterbacks use this to pretend to look one way but can see a receiver in the opposite side of the field without looking directly at his receiver. We use this to start to understand what we call speed reading. By now being aware of peripheral vision we will use it to limit our eye fixations on the page when we read. Let's practrice by taking a 5 word sentence and focus on the third word in the sentence and recognize the 2 words to the right and left of that 3rd word. We will practrice this exercise to force ourselves to not look at every word in the sentence. We will eventually be able to expand our peripheral vision to where we can identify more words on the line. As kids we were taught to look at every word which slows our speed rate. We were taught to sound out every word, which slows us down. Let's practrice our peripheral vision to recognize the other words without looking directly at every word. You ask yourself what does this have to do with the pursuit of our dreams. We need to read to gain knowledge, to understand how we can pursue our dreams by relearning basic skills to gain confidence in our journey. Practice expanding your vision so you can get through the reading material you may have to read as you go through life. Successful people need knowledge, information, to become successful, to be wealthy. So let's learn what it takes to do that. Reading is needed to get to your dream. We will expand our exercises, gain confidence and continue on the journey. As we learn this basic skill we start to gain the needed confidence to continue on. Eventually, you find yourself reading more and more at a faster speed, getting through reading material without it being a chore. Wanting to read more for pleasure. We will expand this exercise to reading online articles, magazine articles and books. We thought that we couldn't read as will see in time. We will see that there are different types of reading. That we will skim material that you don't have to read every word and still get an understanding. You will surprise yourself in many things you do to improve your life. Just by pursuing your dream.

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