On our journey in the pursuit of our dream we've understand the need to be in the right mind, the importance of financial management and surround ourselves with a team that believe in what you are doing. We are now practice managing our time and resources. Practice is what we do to gain confidence. Ok, we practice planning our day, just as we practice planing a path to our dream. You look at your day planner after you gotten up, shower, dressed, made your bed, or what ever you do to get ready for the day. Prepare and eat breakfast. Look at your emails, line up your appointments and solidify your days meetings and task. Adjust your schedule if needed. Now you see why 4 or 5 task at the beginning is what we start with. Get that routine down to where it doesn't take time to get started. Set these task in 30 minute , 45 minutes or a hour blocks.so if you were at home or have to travel to work or school get that early morning, routine down. If you work at night, the routine still applies.what we are now doing is organizing or time and efforts, you are taking action. Don't forget to schedule later in the day to take time for yourself, like reading, mediating, exercising, etc. Schedule this time, 10 minute, 15, 45, or a hour. As long as you schedule it. As the day go make adjustments if needed. Don't let the schedule run you, you run the schedule. In your pursuit of your dream you communicate with your team to advance your efforts. When you return home ( home base) You schedule time to assess, to evaluates where you are versus where you were. Doing this time you communicate to your team anything that can improve your efforts toward the goal. Keep asking questions, do I need more money, do I need to contact those that can give me the answers I need. Finally, taking this time to prepare, plan and schedule for the next day, next week or next month. Look! you're taking action, you're moving the efforts forward. We call all this that we are doing, strategies.
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