We have identified some of our obstacles that holds back our dreams. Procrastination, believing that our dream isn't possible, but not knowing where to start. We develop techniques, such as, starting an unwanted task by, saying " 4-3-2-1 go" and move toward the task . Be proactive, lean foward to start the task. Don't think about reasons for during it later. Embrace doing the task. Take the task in small parts, do a little at a time. Organize our life by putting like things together, prioritize things of important, things that may be easy first or things that are hard last. As long as we take action. We can adjust our task to what works for you. We can put things in alphabet order or numerical order. Practice these techniques and understand the importance of having some logical order. If you look closely at your life and things you come in contact with, you will see there is rhyme to the reason. Some kind of logical organization. Research methods of organization. Successful people organize their life, their schedule, their task to be efficient with their time.Go back and see if you can streamline your task. To be successful it is a must to take action and have a plan. The plan is created by organizing your task. This will help us to logical plan for our dream. To see if we can take our dream and pursue it. Once we eliminate our inner obstacles. We will start to look at outer obstacles that will slow our journey. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. This is how we learn, how we improve. Don't be afraid to ask for help. This is how we will get to our dream with the help of others. Talk to people that has made the journey that we are trying to take. They may be your mentor, the one will get you through the doors that are closed to you. They may teach you ways to avoid obstacles they encountered. We will keep moving foward.
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