As we go through life we dream of a better life. Do you think that it is given to you? Few are fortunate, more are not. So we may live in the now, but we need to plan for the future. No matter how old you are, situations change some good, some bad. Do you want to live with no control of your life? So as we pursue our dream, we still must plan, prepare and be able to implement what we work so hard for. Let’s look as some ways to do this. An Estate Plan generally includes a Living Trust, Powers of Attorney, a Living Will, and a Pour-Over Will—for starters. It requires a specialized Estate Planning Attorney to do it right. An Estate Plan cannot be created after you die.. We will look at a living trust, a power of attorney, a living will and a pour-over will. A living trust is a form of estate planning that allows you to control your assets (your money and property) while you are still alive, but have it distributed to people or organizations you select when you die. 

A Power of Attorney (POA) is an incredibly important piece of your Estate Planning efforts. Your POA allows you to appoint another person, known as an “agent,” to act in your place. An agent can step in to make financial, medical or other major life decisions should you become incapacitated and no longer able to do so. There are several types of POAs, and it can be a bit confusing to navigate the process of choosing the right one on your own. Seek out more information to learn if this is a good plan for you. I am not an financial advisor, but you should have this knowledge in your tool box to make a good choices in your future. Us that are not the fortunate need to at least know what the fortunate knows. So we can stop others from controlling our lives. Let's be aware, and become knowledgeable.

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