As we set our day up with the 4 or 5 task we prepared for the day before or yesterday. We incorporate the task to our routine of taking care of our bedroom, ourself for the day, and breakfast. In my case, I do my mile walk or 45 minutes walk and exercise and shower.This routine can be your hour block to get ready for the day. Check your emails and phone calls if it is not too early. Remember, successful people create a routine to follow. This is what you do in the pursuit of your dream. Prepare, plan, organize, so you can take action. Practice you routine everyday. The practice is what you do to gain confidence. Practice is your confidence builder. Sometime in your task schedule chime in with you team. The secret sauce is always communicating with others. Your team is your support that will have your back. Don't be afraid to delegate some of your task. Please follow up on past task until completed. You don't want to assume something was taken care of and later find out it wasn't. Your dream depends on the team effort, so keep them in the loop. Empower them to make decisions on your behalf. This is where we are on our journey. Stay engaged, after all this is your dream. We will continue talking about the things that make it all go. We will get into having mentors and being a mentor to enhance the experience.
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