When you start the journey toward your dream and you come up against obstacles, do you give up? Do you drop all that you have planned? The answer should be no. If Martin Luther King was confronted by obstacles that was placed before him, and he decided to give up. He keep marching forward. No one said that it is easy to get to your goal. One trait you need is stubbornness, to realize you will get no as an answer, when you look for a yes. Successful people keep going forward and find a way to get to that yes. You sacrifice what it takes and find what it takes to get to the other side. Stop coming up with excuses. Reevaluate your path, look at your other options and be flexible when needed. Be certain and direct in your decision. If it's a wrong decision, correct it and carry on. Accept your decision good or bad. If the decision is wrong, change your approach and continue on. Al ways learn from your mistakes and failures and take the information to make improvements. Believe in your dreams and act like it. The support is always there.
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