So many are in the pursuit of their dreams. Many can't seem to get out of their own way when they take their journey. For example, many dedicate themselves to the pursuit, working hard every minute of the day, give sweat and tears to get to their dream. This is a commendable attribute. Even though they have the skills, and hard work. They find themselves falling short. All because they let pride get in their way, they feel that they should not the easy way. They think that they have to go through the fire to succeed. This maybe true to a point. You think that you have to pay your dues first to succeed toward your dream. If someone present you with an opportunity to go through the door to your dream, is your dream less important, is your dream one of less meaning. It's okay to accept an opportunity to advance your dream as you take the journey. Be humble, and credit those that did not receive the same opportunity. Help those to see their dream using your opportunity to bring them along. Give them an opportunity to see the dream by sharing what someone else shared with you. Though you are not obligated, but your dream is more, when you share with those that did not get the opportunity to step through the door to the next level. If you are religious, just think if God did not give us a chance or an opportunity through his son. Jesus we could never see our dream for what it is. That an opportunity to be the best you can be with the help and guidance through a sacrifice of his son. So when an opportunity comes your way, except it and learn how to spread it with others. Live your dream through others. Support their dream. The opportunity is just that, an opportunity. Once through the door you may still have to work. Some may call it a short cut. Some may feel you don't deserve that opportunity, but if you use it the right way everyone can enjoy the fruits of the end results. Don't feel guilty because you were picked, you were given an opportunity to go through the door and did not work as hard. "Working hard" is an ambitious term. Working means different things to different people. You can accept the opportunity and still pay your dues. Ask yourself, can you not do both? It maybe that opportunity only knocks once. Reach out, accept it, and show others the way.
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