As we write down what we feel is important to make our dream reality, we find that we start to see those task that can give us direction. But, it is so much to take in, so much to do. Where do we start?. This is where we learn to organize our thoughts, our task, our time. Let's look at the things we must do. Let's make a schedule for the day. Make the schedule realistic. Though there are 24 hours in a day. So let's make use of each minute. Start looking at your routine and see it is taking advantage of your time. You wake up to prepare for the day. It may start with getting yourself prepared to start your day, mentally and physically. If you preparing to go to work, to school make time to do the things to start the day. Don't wait until the last minute. Schedule time for dressing without being in a hurry. A good thing to do is always prepare with time to make adjustments. This one secret that successful people do. Plan ahead, write it down a day ahead, a week ahead, so you are not rushed. Look at the task to see if you have enough time to carry it out. While in the military we never make plans for our mission the day before. We prepare, we go out and do reconnaissance, scout it out. We don't need surprises. Utilize your time effectively. If you have to check with others. Check your emails, your phone calls put this task in your schedules to do it daily. If you have errands that must be made, combine your errands to make use of your drive times and visits. Try to schedule your times that are manageable. Say schedule your task at the beginning, 30 minutes, 45 minutes or hour blocks. Adjust the time for the situation. Don't have so many task plan in your day that it is hard to complete. Start with 4 to 5 task on your list so you can have time for breaks and a lunch. Your schedule needs to have time for yourself, it can be 10 minutes to an hour. Us it to relax, mediation, to catchup socialize. After you have done or completed your task, by the end of day, you see if you have completed your scheduled task. If task hasn't been completed you can schedule a continuation time in your next day schedule. Having 4 or 5 task in your day gives yourself the flexibility to make adjustments in your schedule. Before you finish your day, alot time to followup at a later day. Sit down and look at your schedule to prepare for tomorrow, next week, or next month. See if you have conflicts in your schedule. This exercise is to stay prepares,to organize you day and time so you don't get overwhelmed. By now you should have a tool like a day planner or an app or computer program to track, log your time. Successful people take control of their time. This how we work to get to our dream. Now we can take this tool to enhance our life's journey. If you want to be successful, you gotta act like it. Stay aware in everything you do.
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