At this point, we have discussed eliminating roadblocks that keep us from trying to take your dream from a thought to a conceived plan that others can envision with you, to making your dream possible. We try to understand the importance of preparing, organizing, and managing our resources, our efforts, and our time. Practice doing these things so they become second nature. That you become confident that what you have in front of you is possible. Now, we must ask ourselves how we can put this plan into action. Do we need to finance our dream? Do we need to make connections with those that can assist us in our endeavor? Write these questions down. Because we will have to tackle the questions to see if it is feasible to do. We will need a team that can help and support your efforts. Research to see if we can beg, borrow or barter to get our dream to move forward. If there is some contact that needs to be made, make it. Make the arrangements. Be persistent, don't give up, "no'' is not an option. Make sure you prioritize your task. If you have a team assemble them, friends, family , experts that can guide you. Confer with them. We never said pursuing your dream will be easy. Follow up with your team, follow up on your phone calls to your contacts. These are your managerial organization skills that you will use for other aspects of your life. That is what successful people do. So refine these skills, Practice them. The confidence will come. Any uncertainty will be dealt with by being informed, by being prepared, by being organized and timely. Keep following up and taking action to fix what needs to be fixed.
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