"It can't be done, You're too short, You don't have what it takes. You don't have enough money." You hear these statements all the time. Naysayers and doubters are always spreading their negativity. You haven't even started the journey toward pursuing your dream. I see those that are disabled, that find what it takes to carry on. Those that never had, still find away. You will always have those that just want to see you fail. It's time to search for those that support your cause. Find like minded people that can inspire you to do what you need to do. Getting inspiration is an ingredient that is what can make a difference. Wonder if for some reason , you are around those that are not inspiring you. It's time to change those you associate with. Keep people in your orbit that wants to do things, to make things happen. So evaluate the company you keep. If they are going in the opposite direction than you, it maybe time to cut them loose. Pursuing your dream is hard enough already, get a team of people that will inspire you. You find that it is contagious. Inspiration goes both ways. What you do can be inspiring to others, to give others a will to carry on. If you don't believe in yourself, who will? There's a voice inside of you is telling you, that you can. Don't give up even when at times others do. Be stubborn when it comes to you.
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