My dream is to create a nonprofit to help others to realize their dream. We started off by taking our dream, a thought in our mind and try to make it into something that you can touch, something you can see. I said to you to go get something to write it down on, because dreams like thoughts can come and go. A writer has an idea, a thought that just comes from an inspired event, talking to some other person and did not write it down. Loose that idea and may not be able to get it back. You have to be discipline to write down that idea, that dream. So you can look at it, to mull it over. To use it as your starting point. Use it to setup your plan. To draw from it other ideas. See if it makes sense. I asked you to take your dream you've written down to start researching everything there is about the dream. Write your research down. The cost, the things associated with it. Who is connected to it. Our nonprofit is here to give guidance to those things that hopefully gets you to a logical resolution to your dreams. By organizing, by managing your time and resources we will shine some light on what was once a thought, a vision, a dream. We want you to learn and have the tools needed to carry on your dream or what every your goal in life is. Cause once you have the tools, and learn how to logically put it all together. Your dream may help change the world. Never give up, because others tell you no. Don't listen to those that claim to know all the answers. You got to believe in your dream and what you are doing before others will believe in what you have to offer. Give yourself a chance, it is so easy to give up. It's hard to walk that road by yourself, just keep focusing on what got you started, that dream. So we will find that answer so we can say we at least tried for our dream.
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