Motivation is the ingredient needed to make you move forward in your pursuit of your dreams. Write down three things you don't want to do. Write the reasons why you don't want to do those things. Is it that it takes too long, don't have enough or it cost too much. These are examples some use. These may be legitimate reasons, but like any problem break it down to where these reasons can be manageable. As you can see the lack of motivation goes hand and hand with being a procrastinator. Now use a method that some use is to start by saying 1- 2- 3 go! Together yourself to get up and go. Most of us try to find reasons for not starting our projects. But by using 1-2-3 go! It is a way of not thinking your way out of doing something. Just get up and do it. Try this with one of the examples you wrote down. Once you start the project imagine yourself finish this task. Before tou know it you find that 'the to do list' is being done. Practice motivating yourself to make it a habit that enhance your everyday life.
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