In many cases dreams require financing. A budget to facilitate the plan. Say you want to live and retire with some comfort when you retire. If you are not taking a portion of your present income to provide financing to your future, you are cutting your own throat. Here is a budget that may help to start you on the path. The 70-30 rule, this rule is to take your income and break it up to 70 percent of your pay goes to covering your bills. The 30 percent is divided into 10 percent going to paying down any outstanding debt, like credit cards. 10 percent is put toward investments and the other 10 percent goes to emergencies for a 3 month period dedicated to unforseen situations. You may want to adjust these numbers. The investments you have should be ones that are passive, that compound in growth. This will catapult your income to help you retire comfortably. As you plan your dream so goes the need to plan out your future. Can you depend on social security, a little savings that may be devoured by a recession. Start seriously think about your future and see what is needed. If you have a rich uncle, that is willing you a fortune, then disregard what I am saying.I know it can be hard. Remember to pay yourself first, with the 10 percent investing in you.
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