I hear sometimes that people say that they can't. Before even attempting to try. Even after dreaming that they can. One subject that seems hard is that they feel that they are not smart enough. Many dreams are stopped, because the person limit themselves by feeling they don't have what it takes. That they can't or that they don't have the confidence. The mind is a powerful part of your body that if used correctly, used to its potential, it will take you to hights of success unimaginable. Let's try an experiment. We will try a skill that allows you to expand your memory. It's called, mnemonics. many haven't heard of this technique of using your mind to expand your memory. What ut does is challenges you to be creative with your mind by envision things that you can see in your mind. For example, if someone say can you image a chair if someone say can you see the word chair, or if someone say the word house, you can see or imagine a house.what we we are doing is taking nouns or an inanimate object and seeing it in our mind. See our mind can see things like house, a chair. What we are doing is associating these words and applying in our mind. We tend to remember things that are funny, ridiculous, related to sex, or not logical to our mind, mainly some form of action that we will associate this with the inanimate object that we are trying to remember. We will create a chain of these objects in to a sentence of funny, ridiculous words that we can see in our mind's eye. You have used a form of this when you tried to remember the musical scales, e,g,b,d, f notes, which we use to remember the familiar phrase, Every Good Does Fine. Medical students use these techniques to help them remember terms and formula to pass the Medical College Admission Test. This technique we help you associatcthings that you are familiar with to those things that you are not familiar with. Look up the word mnemonics, we will see if this will help you remember, names, list, formulas, etc. You will see how powerful the mind is if you let your mind imagine. If you let the mind dream again. This tool will give you the confidence to see what you though was impossible.
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