Supporting the dream Foundation's efforts in helping and guiding those that have a dream, but needs some direction, is a way to provide logical support to your journey. We have discussed having a positive attitude and create a positive environment that is needed when pursuing that dream. The concept is a whole person concept that gives you the tools that will help you outside of your pursuit of your dream. These tools are everyday life skills that we need in our fast past society. We've discussed having to have the mental and physical discipline to motivate yourself when there is no one to motivate you. Never quit or give up when times are hard. Set your plan, your goals to do something that contributes to you dream pursuit. Make it part of your daily schedule, if it is just 5 minutes out of your day. Stick to that schedule, but be flexible enough to adjust it if needed. Everyday your actions should be focused and with certainty and confidence. When you are unsure or uncertain we want to put a mentor into your plan. A mentor will help you to stay focus and keep you on the right path. In the military we had what was called a buddy system. In the postal service starting out in the career we had a program that put to you with a seasoned worker to show you the ropes. They would be there to encourage you and teach you the ends and outs. Sometimes you need a push by someone that has traveled the road you are trying to find. This is part of the Supporting the Dream Foundation 's program to provide a mentor that is part of your team. We all need someone to share our ideas, our wants and needs with. Along with the life skills of organizing and managing our life having a mentor to help encourage us makes us a whole person. This concept is two fold in which you receive and you give back to those that may need your help. This is one of the stepping stones to make our dream a reality. We will discuss late how to make it all work, so that our dream can be appreciated by all.
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