Imagine, you meet someone that has experienced the very thing that you dreamed to obtain. Someone that walked the walk that you aspire to be. A mentor can help you to a place that only someone that has lived that very dream you sought. Finding and being a mentor helps you to be come a better person. To give back what someone gave to you by being a mentor to you. Growing up you had mentors, your mom and dad, your sister or brother, a friend that took the time to listen and talk to you about whatever subject you were interested in. So being a mentor, finding a mentor is a way to give back to your community, give back to society. A mentor is part of the team of people that can show you the path to your dreams. To also help you learn more about yourself. Take the time to give the time to someone that needs a little help to find their dream. You will find that by helping someone to find their dream, it will help you to find yours.A mentor is a special person that gives of themselves to help and guide others. Sometimes you don't have all the answers, but maybe that mentor can fill in those missing parts in your life so you can have a smooth journey as you pursue your dream.
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