Dreams may not make sense when you are asleep. Not sure what it mean. Have no beginning or end. To get support you are now tasked to explain what it mean. Make sense of it. So what do you do? Your dream may start as a want or a need. What you must do is to be able to do is to be able to communicate it to others. To describe what it is you want or need. Take your dream to make it simple enough for others to understand. Can you write it out? Can you be brief? Can it be summarize it?
Our mind, our life functions on organization. We must be able to have a logical reference to be able to make sense of it. This is what give it structure so it can be supported by facts, by things that allows us to communicate it with others. Can a process come from the information that associate with it be created so we can test our ideas, our premise, our theory. Sometimes our mind and thoughts reject what is illogical, that doesn't seem to be organized My point is that as we travel thout our life in the pursuit of our dreams, we must have some uniformity to try to make sense of our dreams. This is our basis to work with. But, to go beyond this is to think out of the box. This is how we learn to progress our dreams. We need this to be more innovative, to be a visionary. Don't be afraid to go against the norm. How others do things. Don't be afraid to be different. Dreams are what and can be limitless. But, you still need some logical structure to work from.
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