A lot of dreams we have never leave our minds, because in many cases it requires some financial considerations. A life lesson is to first write down where you want to go. Write down where you are trying to get to, what is your goal. Don't at first try to make sense of it, just put it before you. Now write down what you feel can be an obstacle that could be in the way. If finances, time, a person or event that keeps you from that end result. Let's look at finances. What are the options, getting a loan, investors, asking friends and relatives. Getting a job or all of the above. In most cases whatever you choose it should be one that benefits you and who you chose to help you. Every transaction does not have to be with money, but something of value. A long lost art of bartering can be a consideration. In business it is done every day. By writing out your goals you are now ready to create the options that can get you closer. A tip when writing your idea down, keep in mind it should be simple and to the point. Yes, it maybe complicated, but you have to keep in mind that others time may not be there to get it. So keep it brief. If you bring your dream to someone or pitch your dreams to someone else, you should be able to talk about it in a sentence, a short bullet statement, if it's a song less than a minute and a half. And that still maybe too long. Remember, time is valuable and always be aware that you are borrowing other people's time. Even if you are trying to get financing, a favor, or support. Once we understand that we sat down , we discuss with our team, our mamma, who ever you need to run it by to see if it makes sense, or if it is feasible to attain. So what are we doing? We are making a plan, we are organizing, we are creating a process to start our journey to our dream. We are putting it all together to map it out. Just like a new business with business plan, just like a songwriter trying to write a song. You can't go through life without a plan. Going to the store, you make a plan. You put down a grocery list, you decide what is the best way to go. You see if you have enough money. All of this is used everyday. How come you can't use this same process to pursue your dreams. Learn the life skills to learn life. To help you to make the right decision for you and your family. Sometimes you can figure out your problems, by taking the time to understand what is the problem and find a way to map out an answer. Your dream maybe someone else's solution.
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