We want to be able to take our reading to a level where you can grab a newspaper and take your finger and place it at the beginning of the left column and start going down that center of the first sentence and scroll down each sentence with your finger. Focusing on the peripheral vision to see the beginning word and end word of each sentence without looking directly at each word.
You will eventually recognize the fact your speed will increase. Learn a new method of reading. When we first started reading in school we were taught to read one word at a time. To vocalize each word mentally, slows us down. Try not to sound each word in our mind. Yes this may seem trival in our dream pursuit, but this is part of the overall plan. By improving this basic skill it will enhance your journey. Next, let's take these tools to put it together with what we have learned to map out a logical plan to our goal. You wrote down aspects of your dream, assigned task that will help you to see what is needed. Point out possible problems or obstacles that can slow your progress. Assemble a team to be able to discuss and help to impliment those task. You have organized and prioritize your task and assign time markers to effectively work your plan. You look at the financial responsibilities needed to advance the dream to reality. Do you need money or not. Do you need to obtain financing. These questions need to be asked and answered. We are taking a logical approach to this pursuit of our dreams. This is where we are right now in the steps we need to take. We now have a plan that we can see and discuss with our team to tweak and make improvements. We will test it and evaluate our plan. This is your dream and these tools can help you to progress it. Life does not always have guarantees of success, but you don't give up on it. You always improve on it. You develop contacts that can help you. This is where you start to find mentors that will encourage and support what you are trying to do. The Supporting the Dream concept is the life skills learned to help you to help yourself. All of this are the building blocks that you will use to help yourself. Your plan is unique to you, to develop good habits and believe that your plan will work. So these side task of relearning reading skills is more to a mental task of developing the confidence in yourself. That you can do whatever you set your mind to do. Practrice these skills is what successful people do to be successful. If things are not working right for you, you don't keep doing the same things. You change it. Do something different. Your pursuit of your dream is no diffferent.
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