You are living in the present. Your life as you know it, is not bad. You've planned your life to this point, and is everything you imagined. Your needs and wants have been met. Food on the table, a place to stay, driving a decent car. You are living the life. Health is good. The question is what happens in the future? What happens when you are unable to work? You've gotten to an age that you out lived your life savings? Can you support the lifestyle you are accustomed to? These questions are what you should ask yourself, to see where you are when you have to have assistance in what was once things you can do for yourself. We all will get old, we all will no longer be able to drive ourselves to the store. Your future may exist past your dream. Are you prepared? We need to prepare our lives for the day when we need someone to assist us. Long term care, children that may take you in, community living, nursing home or will you be living in on the streets, homeless? We all don't have the resources. So the time is now, to support ourselves past our dreams. Start researching your options. Don't wait until it's too late. We may have a chance to live our years in dignity. Start planning your future, now before it's too late.

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